Installation for water-alcohol solution filtration in production of different vodka grades - is a complex of modern equipment developed and manufactured with consideration of the newest-achivements in vodka production.

This installation envisages the sequance of the following operations:
 • installation vacuum coal loading into the adsorber (coal column), separation;
 • discharge and catching of coal dust fraction;
 • preparation of coal in the adsorber;
 • catching and utilization of alcohol vapoures;
 • preliminary purification of water alcohol mixture from suspended particles;
 • mixture treatment with active coal;
 • ready-made product final cleaning;
 • recovery of active coal and quartz sand without its discharge out of equipment;
 • hydraulic discharge of worked-off active coal from the coal column.

    The said installation comprises:
  1. coal column;
  2. adsorbent loading device;
  3. primary purification sand filter;
  4. final purification sand filter;
  5. coal collector.

Material of parts contacting with the product - steel 121810.
Upon the requirement of the Customer the unit can be equipped with coal column having height 2500 mm, volume 1,3 m3, capacity 60 dl/h, weight 380 kg.

Parameter Coal column Adsorbent loading device Sand filter Coal collector
Capacity, dl/h 120 - - 120
Volume, m3 4,2 0,14 0,3 0,49
Filtering area, m2 0,4 0,36 0,7 -
Operating pressure, MPa 0,07 0,03 0,07 -
Installed power, kW - 2,2 - -
Weight, kg 380 273 173 35

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